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Here Comes Santa Cat 6c CD W/ Riser (2014)

Here Comes Santa Cat 6c CD w/ Riser (2014)

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0525427724 (ISBN13: 9780525427728)

About book Here Comes Santa Cat 6c CD W/ Riser (2014)

Local author Deborah Underwood continues her hilarious series as naughty Cat tries to trick us by dressing up in Santa’s outfit so he can give himself a present. An off-screen narrator asks Cat exactly how he’ll pull this off and encourages him to get into the gift-giving spirit more earnestly. Kids and parents alike will love the playful exchange between Cat and the narrator -- encourage lots of acting out as kids dramatize this story. Cat is at it again! Or is that...Santa? As you may, or may not know, Cat has not been the nicest when it comes to everyday activities. When Cat realizes that he only has one day till Christmas, he looks for things he can do to change that. He must after all, get a present from Santa! This is a much anticipated sequel to HERE COMES THE EASTER CAT and is just as funny and adorable. Cat enters your heart with his many facial expressions and leaves you wanting more. Underwood and Rueda make a wonderful team!

Do You like book Here Comes Santa Cat 6c CD W/ Riser (2014)?

Just as awesome as her Easter Cat. Very original with fantastic illustrations.

I enjoyed Here Comes the Easter Cat and disliked this one, a lot.

Oh my goodness! This book made me cry it was so cute!

Adorable and hilarious, just not long enough!


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