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Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

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043965548X (ISBN13: 9780439655484)

About book Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)

Since pretty much everyone I know has read these books, I figure reviewing them is pretty pointless. But with the new book coming out in a couple of weeks, I have to go through them beginning to end. To make the reviews more entertaining, I will be doing them in a variety of unexpected formats. For this review, I will be writing as Crookshanks fan fiction.Crookshanks swished his tail back and forth as he crept up the stairs to the boys' bedrooms. He knew the rat wasn't what it was pretending to be, but all of his attempts to alert the humans to this fact had failed. "I don't know why I even bother," he muttered to himself. "I could get along fine without any of them. Let the rat do whatever it is it's trying to do. So long as Girl keeps feeding me and scratching my belly, I'll - hello, what's this?"He could smell the rat. Its scent was like nothing Crookshanks had ever smelled, and for all his time living in a magical pet shop, he'd smelled a lot. The rat did smell like a rat, yes, but there was also something else. Something... human. It was just like that big black dog he'd met on the grounds the other day. Every instinct in him had screamed to run away, but there was that smell. And even Crookshanks knew what they said about cats and curiosity. The dog had turned out to be more than just a dog, and it had convinced Crookshanks to help it. First order of business: retrieve a certain rat from the bedroom of the Red-Haired Boy.The Boy wasn't in, but the rat was. Crookshanks circled the bed a few times. This time, maybe, he would be able to get the damn thing. He tensed for a moment and then leapt onto the bed.By luck or skill, he was nearly on top of the thing when he landed. "A-HA!" he yowled. "Gotcha!" He pinned the rat under his sizable paw. "Where you gonna run to now, ratty?" he asked, sneering as best he could.The rat writhed in his grip. "Please," it said. "Just let me go. You don't know what will happen if you eat me, it would be a terrible mistake!""A mistake, eh?" the cat said. "We'll see about that. I have a great big doggie friend who's just aching to get his jaws around you...."He barely had time to finish his sentence when the rat went mad. It squealed and bit and slashed with its paws. And then, against all of Crookshanks' previous experience - it grew! It nearly threw the cat off the bed as it became much more massive - its legs lengthened and its arms stretched until it had reached a human size and shape. Crookshanks goggled. Of all the things he'd expected from this rat, this wasn't it. The human grabbed at him, but Crookshanks was too fast. He jumped off the bed and shimmied under the wardrobe, where he could see but not be seen.The human looked around, breathing heavily. He was pale and thin, and still looked ratty. "Think, Peter, think," he said. "Gotta get out of here, but..." He stopped, glanced at the wardrobe, and grimaced. "You may just have given me my way out, cat," he said. And then he bit the ball of his hand.Blood dripped out, leaving spreading red blotches on the sheets. "They'll think it was you," he said. "They'll leave me for dead and I'll be free to rejoin my Lord." He looked at the recently repaired curtains on Ron's bed. "It's not safe here anymore." He sucked at the wound to stop the bloodflow and then went to the window. Perched on the windowsill, he looked over at Crookshanks' hiding place. "If I were human," he said, "the fall would kill me. But as a rat...." His body rippled and twisted and shrank, and then there was an old grey rat on the sill. Crookshanks was pretty sure it winked at him before leaping off.After a minute or two, Crookshanks wriggled out from under the wardrobe, his thoughts dark. The Red-Haired Boy was going to be angry, and so was the Girl. But more importantly, the Dog was going to be furious. It was barely holding on to its sanity as it was. Crookshanks shook his head. This was going to get worse before it would get better...

عندما قرأت هذا الجزء...كنت متخوفا من ان اجد احداث مشابهه للجزئين السابقين..ولكني كنت مخطئاكلب اسود غريب يظهر لهاري وحده يسبب له الفزع, انه نذير الشؤميبدأ هاري عامه الدراسي باغرب الاحداث..منها مقابله مع وزير السحر الذي يقدم استثناء خاص لهاري غير متوقعمجرم وقاتل هارب من ازبكان..له ماض سئ مع عائله هاري بوتر..ينجح في التسلل للمدرسه مما يسبب فزعا كبيرا لم يستطع احد الامساك به بالرغم من حراسة المدرسه بحراس افظع من المجرمين نفسهم..يبثون الرعب في التلاميذ..بالاخص هاريمدرس الدفاع ضد السحر الاسود بالرغم من انه الافضل..الا انه يختفي ويظهر في ظروف غامضه,وسناب ياخذ مكانه احتياطيا..وايضا يتصرف بغرابههيرموني تشتري قط جديد..يتصرف بغرابه, ورون يكرهه خوفا علي فأره الذي يختفي...هيرموني نفسها تتصرف بغرابه هديه متميزه لهاري مجهوله المصدر..عرافه تتنبأ بموت هاري بوتر الوشيك بسبب نذير الشؤم بيت مسكون...هاجريد ينتظر حكم الاعدام لحيوانه المفضل بسبب مالفوياشخاص ميتون يظهرون في خريطه المدرسه علي انهم يتجولون في المدرسه..ولكن لا يمكن تتبعهم او رؤيتهممــجـرم هارب وحــــراس رهيــبه عــــرافه ونــبوءه ونـذير شـؤمكـــــلــب, قـــــط وفـــــأرعندما قرأت الجزء الثاني –بعد ان كنت شاهدت الجزئين كفيلم سينمائي- شعرت ان "وماذا بعد؟"توقعت ان يكون الامر مملا لاحقا..بالرغم من اعجابي الشديد بالعالم والشخصيات الا ان حبكه الجزء الثاني –خاصا قبل معرفه سر الهوركروكس في الجزء السادس- كنت اشعر بخيوط رفيعه متشابهه في تسلسل الاحداث ونهايتهاليجئ الجزء الثالث اكبر,عمق اكثر للشخصيات..نظره اعمق لعالم السحر المخفي بين طيات عالمنا والاهم..احداث وحبكه مختلفه واقوي في تصاعدها وغرابتها وغموضها وحتي "الرعب" فيها عن الجزئين السابقين مجتمعينوفعلا اشعر ان الفصول الاخيره كانت بها كميه احداث تقلب مسار الروايه بالاخص"كلب وقط وفأر"وتتأكد فعلا ان جي كي رولينج بجعبتها الكثير لتقدمهبصعوبه شديده تحاملت علي نفسي لتقسيم قراءه الروايه علي 3 اجزاء وكنت احترق شوقا لمعرفه ما سيحدث بعد ذلك, وكيف ستكون الاجزاء القادمهالروايه اعمق بكثير جدا جدا من الفيلم وهذا احبطني..التغيير في "نغمه"الفيلم من الجزء الثالث بالمقارنه بين اول جزئين له مزايا وعيوب الا ان عيبه الرئيسي بالنسبه لي هو اختصار اجزاء من الروايه ,ربما لانها كانت اول مره اكون قد قرأت الروايه قبل الفيلم ولكني فعلا ارشح مشاهده الجزء الاول "وربما الثاني" قبل البدء في القراءه ثم قراءه السلسله كامله قبل مشاهده باقي الافلاممحمد العربي

Do You like book Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban (2004)?

Literally one of the best books I've ever read. I was chained to it for two days. I cried and laughed and yelled SHIT when all of the action went down.I'm such a peasant for judging this series before I had read it. I read the first two and half of this one when I was about 10, before reading was cool, before I had the attention span that reading requires (I know these are kids' books but I was a particularly distracted child). I did not know, Mother Rowling. Forgive my sin, and all the times when I said, "I don't think Harry Potter is really my thing". Please.This book was incredible and this series is a classic more than any Dickens or Middle Earth or Narnia shit has any right to be. This series isn't up it's own ass; it's so accessible and readable and meaningful.God damn me! How could I have been so blind?Forgive me, because this book changed the game. This book deserves 7 stars and I'm getting the cover art (from my edition) tattooed on my thigh.I'm such a fucking fan.

It was September 1998; the third Harry Potter book had just been released. Pottermania? What's that? It was still unknown except to a vast population of younglings who'd read it... and I fell in love. Oh, how I fell in love. I fell in love with the poor, starved-for-affection, later known to be a twit Harry. I fell in love with the pretentious know-it-all Hermione. I fell in love with the awkward, grew-up-in-his-brother's-shadows Ron... and most of all? I fell in love with the snarky, unplatable, snarling, rude, hygienically-disinclined professor of potions, Severus Snape. Almost ten years later, I'm still obsessed with it in many ways. I think this is my favorite of all the Harry Potter books thus far. This is the one that introduces Sirius Black, who I sometimes loathe (only sometimes!) and Remus Lupin, who I will always, always love. And of course, this is the book that gave us one piece of Severus Snape's background. And that was the infamous Prank that may or may not have destroyed Snape's trust in Dumbledore. Would you have trusted someone who didn't at least suspend the one who'd tried to kill you? I don't think so. This is also the book where I found myself looking at Dumbledore with a new eye. He's a crafty old fella, I tell you that. He'll do anything to gain his means, regardless of how he may personally feel on the matter. Grandpa Albus, he ain't. And Severus Snape, my heart did bleed for thee.

Well, this is the book that I like the most in the whole series (I've come to notice that I tend to enjoy the third book more than any other in any given series; strange, isn't it?). Rowling keeps the dark tone of the previous book going on, and it's fantastic! That sense of danger waiting in the corner that I became used to while reading The Chamber of Secrets is still there, so every new chapter is a new surprise.However, there are much more different things that go into this book that make it excellent. We are introduced to another Dursley, which, as usual, acts like a bitch. Then we get to know a little bit more about Harry's dark past and its influence into his current life situation. There are also the Dementors, which bring a whole new meaning to the word "evil". Seriously, those guys are creepy. Nonetheless, Harry is back at Hogwarts with his friends and soon he is taught how to confront the Dementors with the assistance of my favorite Defense Against Dark Arts teacher of all time: Professor Lupin.There is also the addition of a whole new scenario: Hogsmeade. Man, what I wouldn't give to go and visit that place... Due to Harry having to sneak his way into Hogsmeade we get to know some more about his father's activities while he was a student, as well as some new secret places in Hogwarts, which is really cool. What's more: Hermione starts taking some action against Draco and his troupe of sonsofbitches Slytherin friends, which is amazing to see. This book really made me respect Hermione a lot more.From the half of the book forward, the story gets a very fast pace, meaning that things get absurdly intense. There's a lot of action, much more than the previous books; boundaries are broken, secrets are revealed and Rowling forcs us to get used to the darker shade to the story that would come to be dominant in the next books, with the ascension of dark forces and everything. Overall, there's not a thing that I don't like in this book! Interesting quotes that I didn't include in the review: The consequences of our actions are always so complicated, so diverse, that predicting the future is a very difficult business indeed. Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are. The Last Passage(view spoiler)[ Harry read and re-read the letter from Sirius all the way back into King’s Cross Station. It was still clutched tightly in his hand as he, Ron and Hermione stepped back through the barrier of platform nine and three-quarters. Harry spotted Uncle Vernon at once. He was standing a good distance from Mr and Mrs Weasley, eyeing them suspiciously, and when Mrs Weasley hugged Harry in greeting, his worst suspicions about them seemed confirmed.‘I’ll call about the World Cup!’ Ron yelled after Harry, as Harry bid him and Hermione goodbye, then wheeled the trolley bearing his trunk and Hedwig’s cage towards Uncle Vernon, who greeted him in usual fashion.‘What’s that?’ he snarled, staring at the envelope Harry was still clutching in his hand. ‘If it’s another form for me to sign, you’ve got another –’‘It’s not,’ said Harry cheerfully. ‘It’s a letter from my godfather.’‘Godfather?’ spluttered Uncle Vernon. ‘You haven’t got a godfather!’‘Yes, I have,’ said Harry brightly. ‘He was my mum and dad’s best friend. He’s a convicted murderer, but he’s broken out of wizard prison and he’s on the run. He likes to keep in touch with me, though … keep up with my news … check I’m happy …’And grinning broadly at the look of horror on Uncle Vernon’s face, Harry set off towards the station exit, Hedwig rattling along in front of him, for what looked like a much better summer than the last. (hide spoiler)]
—Ademilson Moraes

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