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Goodbye, Mr. Chips: To You, Mr. Chips (1995)

Goodbye, Mr. Chips: To You, Mr. Chips (1995)

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0783812310 (ISBN13: 9780783812311)
macmillan publishing company

About book Goodbye, Mr. Chips: To You, Mr. Chips (1995)

Very nice telling of a seemingly less than illustrious life; one of those lives that at first or second or third glance didn't seem to make an impact on the world. Mr. Chips isn't the brightest tool in the shed, but well loved and liked by many generations of boys at the school where he teaches for about 50 years. He is happy with his life and, whether anyone else knows it or not, knows that he was blessed. Mr. Chips is no crusader like many of the teachers and coaches that we see in the movies. I appreciate very much the author deciding to tell a story about just an ordinary teacher and friend who made a difference in many lives just by being himself and caring about what he taught and those that he taught.

Do You like book Goodbye, Mr. Chips: To You, Mr. Chips (1995)?

It's a very unusual story for me in that I find the main character very foreign to my experience. I really do enjoy the character a great deal though. At first I wasn't sure I much cared for him, but as he ages he becomes more endearing. I was a bit annoyed by his speaking quirks. I like the way Chips mellows with age and with reflecting on what his wife would have said and I greatly enjoy the way he begins to relish shocking people a little. I think my favourite part was when he took the Head position, but just for the war and relinquished it without ceremony. I was very angry at the condescending jerks at his death bed.

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