Skyjacked! Unheard of, in the early 1930's, but it did happen to four passengers, in Afghanistan, during a civil conflict there. A "mad" Asian pilot, with a gun, does, flying east into the tallest mountains in the world. The aircraft goes above, around and hopefully, not through them. A spectacu...
Rating: 4.75* of fiveThe Book Report: Old Mr. Chipping, nearing ninety and still telling his hoary old jokes from sixty years ago to the newbies at Brookfields school, spends his last few days on earth wandering among the many well-furnished rooms in his head. We see the events of his entire care...
(Spoiler Alert): Beneath the love story and the gripping tale of a man trying to remember a lost part of his life, Random Harvest is an immense commentary and critique of England between the two World Wars. It is no coincidence that this story starts with the characters half-heartedly observing...
Very nice telling of a seemingly less than illustrious life; one of those lives that at first or second or third glance didn't seem to make an impact on the world. Mr. Chips isn't the brightest tool in the shed, but well loved and liked by many generations of boys at the school where he teaches f...