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Going Down (2000)

Going Down (2000)

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About book Going Down (2000)

This book literally had me in tears because I was laughing so hard! I read this book on Christmas Eve when we were on our way home to spend the holiday with my side of the family! It's a 4 1/2 hour trip and it didn't take me nearly that long to finish the book!! There were times that I think my husband thought I was crazy because I would randomly bust out laughing, but I mean, there were some really funny parts!I could tell from the beginning of the book that there were going to be some major sexual tension between Mack and Marion. There's a part where they are stuck in the elevator and man, I thought there was going to be steam coming straight out of my iPad. It was just that hot! If you like quick reads, but ones that are funny, hot and steam all at once, I highly recommend you read Going Down by Elise Sax!This book is currently free on Amazon! Check out the link above! Hilarous, quick and fun read. Marion and Mack have known each other for 2 years and they have the witty, sarcastic banter down to a T. When they get stuck in an elevator, Mack admits his attraction for Marion. She's not so sure (well, of course he's gorgeous, but all they do is fight and what happens to her pie if things don't work out?) Mack convinces Marion to give things a chance..... I loved this story - but would have liked it much more if it was longer!

Do You like book Going Down (2000)?

Very fast paced....I kept up though haha ;-)The banter between Marion and Mack was great!

I literally laughed out loud while reading this book. Loved it!

Super quick easy breezy novella.

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