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Glimmerglass (2010)

Glimmerglass (2010)

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3.79 of 5 Votes: 4
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0312575939 (ISBN13: 9780312575939)
St. Martin's Griffin

About book Glimmerglass (2010)

Una piacevole sorpresa. Nonostante il titolo potesse trarre in inganno, con la sua copertina che non fa presagire nulla più di una storiella da quattro soldi, sono rimasta colpita invece dallo spessore dei temi trattati. Dall'alcolismo al razzismo, al sesso per finire alla "politica" (certo tutto in chiave strettamente fantasy), questi temi di rilevanza sociale sono stati trattati in maniera leggera e molto personale, attraverso la visione del mondo di una ragazza di sedici anni, offrendo in questo modo al lettore l'opportunità di "vedere" il mondo come un'adolescente. La trama, beh, quella non c'è granché. Il tutto si svolge nel corso di qualche giorno, e di momenti di suspance ce ne sono davvero pochi, e quei pochi non sono esattamente degni di essere definiti tali. Tuttavia lascio aperte varie possibilità per il seguito.Per quanto riguarda i personaggi, si fanno a dir poco sentire. Dalla protagonista, Dana, una ragazza combattiva, cresciuta troppo in fretta e con una gran voglia di avere una qualche figura di riferimento a guidarla, al padre brutale nella sua onesta e una madre incapace di occuparsi di lei. Ma anche il ragazzo, che nasconde dietro la sua boria un carattere insicuro e una sorella con chiari complessi di inferiorità ma dalla forte personalità, fino ai personaggi meno rilevanti come il Cavaliere Finn, sono tutti tratteggiati, dall'aspetto al carattere fornendo risvolti imprevisti e affascinanti anche nel delineare gli stoici fae, che sembrano tutti uguali (di aspetto) e che invece non potrebbero essere più diversi tra loro.Insomma, un libro che consiglio anche ai non adolescenti, una lettura rapida e coinvolgente che ti fa entrare immediatamente in sintonia con la protagonista e il suo improbabile mondo. Dana is not just an ordinary teenager. Her mother has a drinking problem that is absolutely driving her crazy and her dad is Fae, and a very powerful one at that. With all of her mother's crazy antics, she simply cannot take it anymore and wants to be treated like a child and be taken care of for once. She is tired of having to be mature and the adult in her mother/daughter relationship that she takes it upon her self to find her father. Her father resides in Avalon which is a very special place where the Fae and humans co-exist. Dana enters a world she does not quite understand that involves magic, politics, and assassins. Welcome to Avalon Dana! But who can she trust? Her father, her Aunt Grace, or the hottie Ethan and his sister Kimber all have the potential to lie to her and they all want them for themselves. This story was a quick read and very enjoyable. There is a lot of exciting/action scenes so you will not be bored. There are also some sweet moments in there as well. The story will keep you guessing and having you question everyone's motives. The story is told from the Dana's point of view, with an interesting twist. She is telling it as the past and she's looking back on it as a memory. Another aspect of the book I liked, was the fact that was kind of written like a journal entry, and I know that is sort of confusing, but that is the best way to explain it. It isn't really a journal entry, but that is how it is written. The character development was all right, and I expect it to be even better in the second book than the first. I enjoyed this book and I hope you pick it up and enjoy it like I did. If not, well that is your opinion and I will not judge. Don't be discouraged by all of the new terminology and sort of confusing world building. It all gets explained and you will be able to keep up with no problem at all. :) On a scale of zero to one hundred I would give it a 63%. It wasn't the best thing I ever read, but I enjoyed that it was a quick easy read with a good plot line. I do wish that it was a little longer but I also think that the author stopped it a good place.

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I thought it was going to be Boring at first, but as I read, it was very interesting....

I didn't love fairie books before, but this book totally changed my mind

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