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Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003)

Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003)

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0743464672 (ISBN13: 9780743464673)
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About book Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003)

This was a disappointing book about a twenty something who gives twenty somethings a bad name. Self absorbed, rather grim and nasty Eliza has a penchant for dating rock stars or potential rock stars then dumping them when their humanity is revealed. i.e. one takes her home to meet mom who "grooms him" picking lint off of his person and his beard while he does nothing about it. This is a major offense. What? I am tired of books that think it is clever to picture various characters as types, vaguely human mostly non human and then proceeds to pick at them like they ever had a chance.There is a fascination with Jack Wagner, a one hit wonder and soap opera star from the 80's, the disappearance of an uncommunitive father and a mother who doesn't like me through out that the book that is supposed to excuse a lot of the bad behavior in this book. And each chapter comes with an eighties play list. I've listened to Matthew Sweet, Chris Isaak, Alice in Chains, Weezer, U2 and Van Halen. The first two I did not rip but I am considering Alice In Chains. I could not find Jack Wagoner's work in the library. Gee, I've written a lot about a book I didn't like.

I read this book that Karen passed on to me last Tuesday when I was being a shut-in. It's a damn riot. I always watched Jack Wagner as Frisco on General Hospital when I was a kid. In the book I love the main gal's obsession since childhood with Jack Wagner and his song "All I Need." She takes an intro college music class and notices everyone is madly scribbling in their notebooks. She assumes they're composing and so she starts writing down all the words to "All I Need" in her notebook. Too funny! The college commune scenes are great.

Do You like book Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003)?

How many people thought the piano man was going to be Jack Wagner? How many people thought she would at least meet the piano man? The end wasn't what I expected and I think I like it more than your basic chick lit story for that.

Eliza likes to date, but when it comes to choosing who she dates, there's only one criteria: that he be a rock star. When it comes down to it, Eliza finally realizes that maybe that's her problem.Notes: While reading, I thought this was going to be an excellent book. I was slightly disappointed by the end, but nonetheless, it was still an interesting book. Elise, unlike most Chick Lit writers, didn't do the usual cop out ending by hooking the lead character with her best guy friend in the end. I liked how she suggested possible outcomes, because as the reader, you do tend to think about these things, but turned you to a different direction. My last concern is: who the heck is Jack Wagner?

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