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Elise Juska

Elise Juska
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Books by Elise Juska


The Hazards of Sleeping Alone (2004)

For some reason, this book really got to me. At first, the character of Charlotte was frustrating. She was wishy-washy, weak, sad, and overly dependent on routines. She clearly didn't like to be out of her comfort zone, and yet she had this strong, opinionated daughter who constantly pushed her o...

The Hazards of Sleeping Alone (2004) by Elise Juska

Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003)

This was a disappointing book about a twenty something who gives twenty somethings a bad name. Self absorbed, rather grim and nasty Eliza has a penchant for dating rock stars or potential rock stars then dumping them when their humanity is revealed. i.e. one takes her home to meet mom who "groo...

Getting Over Jack Wagner (2003) by Elise Juska

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