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Gabriel's Gift (2002)

Gabriel's Gift (2002)

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0743217136 (ISBN13: 9780743217132)

About book Gabriel's Gift (2002)

В града вече се заселваха не само имигранти от бившите колонии, а и от други страни, имаше представители на всички раси и те живееха врата до врата, без постоянно да се избиват едни други. Този нов международен град на име Лондон горе-долу се крепеше, без да бъде обхващан от прекомерна анархия или корупция. Вероятността обаче да те разберат в който и да било магазин беше малка. Татко веднъж се оплака: „Последния път, когато бях на бръснар, си излязох с една купа кускус, половин грам кока и подстрижка втори номер. А влязох само да се обръсна!“...............Ако не те намушкат по пътя, на ъгъла можеше да попаднеш на прецизен специалист по акупунктура или да вземеш под наем филм със субтитри. В най-новите ресторанти менюто беше непроизносимо и разправяха, че хората си носят речници, като ходят на вечеря. .............................Защо човек мисли, че е в състояние да постигне нещо? Само защото някой вярва в него....................От четиринайсетгодишна възраст татко свиреше в доста дългокоси, късокоси, а сега предимно плешиви банди.

In Gabriel's dad, Hanif creates a character which has to be loved by every kid. Popular, charismatic, icononic, rebel, and most of all someone who has seems to have a lot more time than others. In short, Gabriel's dad is a classic nurturer and a groomer. Someone who should be present as one of the many role models in every kids life. Someone who is courageous enough to go against the grain, and at the same time deflecting the resulting opprobrium with the ease of a sage.And in Gabriel's mother he creates a figure which every kid deserves as well. Hardworking, resolute, fighter, realist and someone with the most natural and perennial fear for the future. I guess the only major incompatibility between his parents was their approach to future. Dad could not see it and mom saw it all the times as a huge monster. I personally feel that an ideal personality should have a realistic fear of the future, not deny or completely embrace it.Trouble is the novel has no story at all. It doesn't go anywhere, no it does, in circles, over and over again. The characters were too steeped in the art world for me to relate therefore I gave up near the end for I knew the end. It's a relatively poor effort from Hanif.

Do You like book Gabriel's Gift (2002)?

A child's view of the world makes ordinary occurances and typical family drama seem new and exciting, and it is clear that Kureishi has drawn upon this technique to drive his story of a torn family. The parental figures are typical washouts from 1960s-era London whose surprise at finding how mundane and unsuccessful their lives are makes them bitter and self-loathing, but through Gabiel's eyes they are just his parents. He may not fully grasp why they are such children, but he knows that he must

This is an intriguing, well-paced read (though it could've used about 50 more pages - never thought I'd say that), but I'm not wild about it. Things move too quickly; we see cause or effect but seldom both; everything seems slightly off-kilter. Gabriel reads too young for me, especially if he grew up surrounded by musicians and their groupies. Other characters - and the narrator - kept telling me Gabriel is precocious, but I never saw it.I was also depressed by the narrowness that surrounded "dreaming big." For Kureishi, you aren't "dreaming big" until you're dreaming of being a famous (not even necessarily good) film director, or a famous musician, or a teacher of famous musicians, or the owner of a restaurant catering to famous musicians and movie stars - the usual starf*cker crap. Kureishi wants to espouse chasing ambitions beyond the ordinary, but he defines worthy ambitions so narrowly for his characters that they end up seeming more trapped than the "losers" they leave behind. If this were a conscious authorial decision, I would think it was great, but it comes off the page as honestly the way the author feels: either you're a big pop or film star, or you're nobody at all. By that definition, he wouldn't even consider himself to be "someone."

An excellent book to read if you are down on confidence,its full of positive energy and hope.More or less life a fairy tale where good things happen to good people,yet Kureishi has brought in themes of racism,immigrants,homosexuals and such into the story,which is pretty good.Its full of wonderful passages,one i personally liked:-"Talent might be a gift but it still has to be cultivated.The imagination is like a fire or furnace:it has to be stoked, fed and attended to.One thing sets another ablaze.Keep it going."
—Augustine George

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