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Hanif Kureishi

Hanif Kureishi
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Books by Hanif Kureishi


Intimacy: das Buch zum Film von Patrice Chéreau (2015)

A Joke Followed by an IntimacyAfter reading Milan Kundera's "The Joke", I returned it to the shelf, and looked for something short to read next. Happily, I found it next to my Kunderas. I thought "Intimacy" might continue some of the themes about relationships that had interested me in "The Joke"...

Intimacy: das Buch zum Film von Patrice Chéreau (2015) by Hanif Kureishi

Gabriel's Gift (2002)

В града вече се заселваха не само имигранти от бившите колонии, а и от други страни, имаше представители на всички раси и те живееха врата до врата, без постоянно да се избиват едни други. Този нов международен град на име Лондон горе-долу се крепеше, без да бъде обхващан от прекомерна анархия ил...

Gabriel's Gift (2002) by Hanif Kureishi

The Black Album (1996)

First posted on a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing made me a critical reader. That was one of the many benefits of doing that degree, besides the obvious insights and instruction for my own writing. But still, I really hate to be critical. I like to look for posi...

The Black Album (1996) by Hanif Kureishi

Midnight All Day (1999)

Midnight All Day is collection of short stories by the author of My Beautiful Laundrette and The Buddha of Suburbia, though to call it simply a collection of short stories is to mis-sell it rather. The book reads like an epic in the theatrical sense of the word, like Brecht at his most disjointe...

Midnight All Day (1999) by Hanif Kureishi

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