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From Rags (2012)

From Rags (2012)

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Suzanne Wright

About book From Rags (2012)

HOT HOT HOT at times hilariousJaxxson was selected as the face of a makeup line mainly because drop dead gorgeous but also she's got attitude, unpretentious, blunt & tacless. In photo shoots her people rile her to get the sexy ferocity in her eyes that allures men.Conner F1 driver, is part of Jaxxon's past she's closed the door of pain & moved on from. However, Conner wanted to reconnect, Jackson's reactions flip him at every turn, sparks fly when they're in any where near each other.Jaxxson's character is such a breath of freshness in an industry of fake & backstabbing.Really enjoyed this read. I was going through my read list and when i came across this book and i was wondering where and when i read this book and whats the story was... That's very bad for a book and the writer to be so forgetful. I only remember the book after the read the story line. This book is about a orphan who is potty mouthed, can kick ass and ridiculously beautiful and not in a typical model kind. So some one one see hers and offers a job as a model for their cosmetics company. She is from the wrong side and soon becoming one of the most wanted woman. I really dint find her all that Potty Mouthed and not even careless as the author wanted to show. She is too feely kind of a girl and somehow this is not a very impressive kind of book. For someone who claims to be so careless and stuff she very easily allows 3 guys to play her family. REALLY. its a fun read but now a days its getting difficult for me to like a book. But i guess you can read it once.

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Nov 3 2014 Oh my gosh I'm already laughing from this caption/blurb....aha

This book was a great read!

It was so Suzanne Wright

3.5 Stars!

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