There are no words. This was a story of Merit's wanting to please too many people, but not knowing what to do for herself. Trying to repress herself and keep her humanity... Not knowing that while being a vampire she can be humane. She's confused, lost, pushing people away. While trying to fix the House's problems, her hearts problems, her having friendship problems, her own problems. While trying to ignore, repress, push away everything that she thinks isn't quite right. Or fixing the things that should be right. It was beautifully written. A series that I will continue reading until I find it too... redundant, perhaps is the right word. There is something constantly new being thrown out into the wood work. Something new that Merit and co. have to deal with. Something that throws everyone for a loop. And that is what I'm sticking around for. I think something is coming for both the House, and Merit that they'll not know of until it's too late... And I want to know what it is. I wish Merit would stop fighting her feelings for Sullivan and just bite the bullet and get together with him. It's like a match made in heaven, and they are both ignoring the signs... knowing that they both want one another... Just grr. I know I'd jump his bones. Thoroughly enjoyable book. Full of action and surprise. A world that is different and understandable, yet not so different from our own.... Just with Vamps and other creatures that either make you scream or giggle. Either way? Good book. And Good series thus far. Gefiel mir noch besser als Band 1. Langsam zieht mich die Autorin in ihren Bann. Weiter geht es mit Morgans Werben um Merit. Es wird also kompliziert, da er jetzt an erster Stelle im Haus Navarre steht und sie ins Haus Cadogan umgezogen ist. Teilweise werden die Angelegenheiten mit denen Merit zu tun hat auch politischer, so muss sie sich zwangsweise wieder an ihre Familie wenden um ihrem Haus zu helfen an Informationen zu erlangen. Sie findet heraus, dass es Raves (Blutorgien für Vampire) gibt und einen Journalisten, der die das Haus Cadogan bloßstellen will. Und natürlich gibt es auch wieder viel Ethan Sullivan und die Anziehung-Hass-Beziehung zwischen ihm und Merit entwickelt sich weiter.
Do You like book Friday Night Bites (2009)?
So. Morgan needs to perish and Merit and Ethan needs sexy time lol
This series is amazing!! i love merit and ethan !!!