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Free Woman: The Life And Times Of Victoria Woodhull (2001)

Free Woman: The Life and Times of Victoria Woodhull (2001)

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0595151779 (ISBN13: 9780595151776)

About book Free Woman: The Life And Times Of Victoria Woodhull (2001)

This is the first book by Marion Meade- and hopefully not my last. Full of (interesting!) details and background, Victoria Meade paints Victoria's world in vivid colors. Usually when reading biographies about (in)famous people, the content reads like an overused textbook. Meade breathes life into the story, and even if I weren't a feminist and an equalist, Meade still would've been able to capture my interest, and probably would have introduced me well into the field of said feminism.My only complaint was that she didn't give more information or excerpts of Victoria's ideas considering free love, birth control and sexuality. But, i am also thankful, since this gives me more incentive to do more research about her. I hope to read more of Meades work in the future; I actually read this book in one sitting! (forgot to do my homework as a result)

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