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Marion Meade

Marion Meade
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Books by Marion Meade


Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography (1991)

Eleanor grew up in the Dukedom of Aquitaine at a time when most of France was ruled by England. In northern Europe, and England, women had little social standing. Aquitaine, in the south, named "land of waters" by the Romans, was a rich land, filled with orchards and vineyards; life was good for ...

Eleanor of Aquitaine: A Biography (1991) by Marion Meade

Stealing Heaven (2003)

I love historical fiction that is actually based on history and not just a thinly veiled romance novel. So I was really happy to read this since the author actually set out to write a biography of Heloise, but wrote a novel since she wasn't able find enough historical documents to support a compl...

Stealing Heaven (2003) by Marion Meade

Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? (1989)

This book reminds me of several others I've read about famous women - they're really good with the history, the details, the research, and well written - but because of the detail you know that this woman was NOT an easy person to really know, to befriend, or to be in the same room with. It's not...

Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? (1989) by Marion Meade

The Unruly Life of Woody Allen: A Biography (2000)

Bright as he was, or perhaps because he was so intelligent, Woody (born Allan Konigsberg) was a difficult child at school, often playing hooky, his mother making numerous trips to school to explain his behavior. He was a reluctant reader, although he would devour as many as fifty comic books per ...

The Unruly Life of Woody Allen: A Biography (2000) by Marion Meade

Free Woman: The Life and Times of Victoria Woodhull (2001)

This is the first book by Marion Meade- and hopefully not my last. Full of (interesting!) details and background, Victoria Meade paints Victoria's world in vivid colors. Usually when reading biographies about (in)famous people, the content reads like an overused textbook. Meade breathes life i...

Free Woman: The Life and Times of Victoria Woodhull (2001) by Marion Meade

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