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Series: Warders

by Author Mary Calmes


Cherish Your Name (2011)

Oh I loved this! Kind of upsetting at first. The way Dylan seemed to be taking Malic for granted. And Malic just supporting Dylan no matter what. Ugh. Love him. It was nice to see a little more of these two. Nice to get more backstory. I wouldn't mind more backstory on all of them, actually. LOL ...

Cherish Your Name (2011) by Mary Calmes

Su Hogar (2012)

Ici Mary Calmes nous offre une petite romance en rapport avec un univers paranormal qu’elle a mis en place et que j’espère Dreamspinner nous traduira.Le départ de cette romance est assez sympathique, seulement la fin est trop rapide et les sentiments sont vraiment trop stéréotypés.Julian est un h...

Su Hogar (2012) by Mary Calmes

Il suo focolare (2012)

Cosa posso dire di questo breve romanzo?E' sensuale, erotico e "caldo".Fin da subito veniamo catapultati in un mondo di calore, tenerezza, coccole e sesso. Ma anche di combattimenti, demoni e lotte.E' il primo libro di una saga incentrata sul paranormale, sui demoni e sui guerrieri che li combatt...

Il suo focolare (2012) by Mary Calmes

His Hearth (2010)

Classic Mary Calmes with a twist of paranormal.I quite enjoyed this sweet romance. The sweetness that Calmes is famous for is noticeably toned down for which I am grateful. The pacing is fairly quick and the paranormal aspect is not prominent. This story is heavily on the romance side but it was ...

His Hearth (2010) by Mary Calmes