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Series: V Is For Virgin

by Author Kelly Oram


A is for Abstinence (2000)

Fue un libro muy... cute. Pero solo las ultimas ¿20 paginas? Val es una personaje con demasiados issues, y no muy grandes, pero si totalmente molestos. Recuerdo que en el libro anterior no paraba de decir que Kyle era egoísta y lo único que me quedo claro de este libro fue: Kyle sacrificando cosa...

A is for Abstinence (2000) by Kelly Oram

V is for Virgin (2012)

V is for Virgin, by the ever entertaining Kelly Oram, was more serious than I expected it to be, while still being really fun at the same time. Valerie was adopted because her mom got pregnant really young (her first time having sex too) and knew she couldn’t raise a child. She gave a necklace an...

V is for Virgin (2012) by Kelly Oram