I was so excited to read this book as a continuation from Mistress of Rome and it. did. not. disappoint.Admittedly it did take me a while to get into the book, for some reason it didn't draw me in so instantaneously as Mistress or Daughters did, but having said that once I had got to the 'Dacia' ...
Après une immersion dans la Rome cruelle et décadente de La maîtresse de Rome, Kate Quinn nous transporte cette fois au cœur des conquêtes romaines sous l’empire de Trajan.« J’ai servi quatre empereurs. J’ai tué le premier, aimé le deuxième, le troisième a été mon ami, et le quatrième, j’aurais p...
Kate Quinn is amazing! I love, love, LOVE her books set in Ancient Rome and "Empress of Rome" is no exception! She absolutely brings the Eternal City to life. I totally fell for Vix the gladiator, and thought the 'will they, won't they?' relationship between him and Sabina the senator's daughter ...
Really good. The year of the four emperors is great fodder for historical fiction and this book does it very well. The story centers around the four Cornelii female cousins. What I enjoy is Quinn's look at women in ancient Rome and the power they did have, even though they are often considered...
I have read this book last and should have read it first - even though it says #2 ( not sure why) as it is an introduction to Mistress of Rome and Empress of the Seven Hills. Daughters of Rome has its own climate different to the other two parts. I have enjoyed every page of the story. I truly va...
Théa est une jeune esclave juive, qui mène une vie morne sous les ordres de son arrogante et machiavélique maîtresse : Dame Lépida. Pourtant, sa vie s'égaye quelques temps quand elle rencontre le gladiateur n°1 de son époque : Arius. Malheureusement, la vie n'est pas simple pour un gladiateur et ...
Prva Quinnina knjiga koju sam pročitala bila je Kćeri Rima te sam jako željela pročitati i Ljubavnicu Rima. Kada sam je napokon jednoga dana ugledala na policama Kauflanda, nagovorila sam si oca da mi ju kupi i nisam požalila. Pročitala sam je već dvaput. ***SPOILERI***Tea je židovska robinja lij...