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Series: Royal Brotherhood

by Author Sabrina Jeffries


To Pleasure a Prince (2005)

Suzanne Donahue reviewed To Pleasure a Prince on How Romance Novels Saved My Life by Suzanne DonahueWhen I was newly divorced and an abruptly single mother of 5 year old twins I needed something to fill the hours between my daughters’ bedtime and my own. I probably could have eat...

To Pleasure a Prince (2005) by Sabrina Jeffries

In the Prince's Bed (2004)

Alexander Black, grof od Iversleya, nezakonito je dijete princa od Walesa. Unatoč svojoj tituli koju je naslijedio od čovjeka za kojeg je godinama vjerovao da mu je otac, Alec nema ono što jednom grofu treba: novac. Upravo zbog toga, Alec sklapa savez sa svoja dva polubrata - lordom Drakerom k...

In the Prince's Bed (2004) by Sabrina Jeffries

One Night with a Prince (2006)

This is the perfect ender for a great trilogy, the Royal Brotherhood series, where the author Sabrina Jeffries tells Gavin's story, and a delightful one at that. He's the eldest of the three, and the only one who made it through his own hard work, and whose mother was harshly wronged by Prinny. T...

One Night with a Prince (2006) by Sabrina Jeffries