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Series: John Pellam

by Author Jeffery Deaver


Hell's Kitchen (2001)

Continua la mia crociata contro gli stravolgimenti dei titoli. Stavolta "Hell's Kitchen - A location scout mystery" è diventato "L'ultimo copione di John Pellam", titolo che hanno probabilmente ritenuto giustificato dal fatto che si tratta dell'ultimo (appunto) romanzo di Deaver con protagonista ...

Hell's Kitchen (2001) by Jeffery Deaver

Bloody River Blues (2000)

John Pellam is a location scout working on the set of a " Bonnie and Clyde " style movie in Maddocks, Missouri. When a random guy opens his car door and sends his beer crashing to the ground he becomes a wanted man in the connection with a murder and the shooting of a cop.He becomes Missouri's mo...

Bloody River Blues (2000) by Jeffery Deaver

Shallow Graves (2000)

حسناً..مازلت فى بدايتها،ولكنى كالعادة لا استطيع الصمت حتى الإنتهاء..بما أننى أعيد قراءة"الأحوة كارامازوف"،ولكن هذه المرة باللغة العربية.فقد أحببت أن أقرأ معها شئ خفيف.فقط أنا سعيدة حقاً لأنى أعيد قراءة هذه التحفة..أقرأها فى المساء ثم قبل النوم أقرأ قليلاً فى كتاب يطرح مبادئ علم الفلك الذى أعشق...

Shallow Graves (2000) by Jeffery Deaver