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Series: Inspector Van Veeteren

by Author Christel Hildebrandt


Der Tote vom Strand. (2004)

Police Inspector Eva Moreno is not overly impressed when she is asked to interrogate a “scumbag” criminal (and police informer) on the first day of which was supposed to be a relaxing holiday by the seaside with her new lover. On her way to the dreaded interview, Ewa meets a young weeping girl on...

Der Tote vom Strand. (2004) by Gabriele Haefs

Woman with Birthmark (2009)

Hakan Nesser is another one of my all-time favorite writers of Scandinavian crime fiction. Woman With Birthmark is #4 in this series featuring Inspector Van Veeteren, a veteran detective in Maardam, whose location remains a mystery in itself. These books you can read as stand-alone novels, but th...

Woman with Birthmark (2009) by Håkan Nesser

The Inspector and Silence (2010)

"There's a time for everything."A proposta da ex-mulher para passar as duas semanas que dispõe de férias com ela, os filhos adultos e os netos é para o Inspector Van Veeteren um ultraje. Ele prefere usufruir do seu tempo livre sozinho e, por essa razão, faz uma reserva para descansar 15 dias em C...

The Inspector and Silence (2010) by Håkan Nesser

Münsters Fall (2002)

With The Unlucky Lottery, I've now read all of Nesser's books that have been translated into English, and I must say, they are among the finest novels of crime fiction coming out of Scandinavia. Sadly now I have to bide my time until the next one is translated and published. This novel offers it...

Münsters Fall (2002) by Håkan Nesser

Borkmann's Point (2007)

Segundo Borkmann, todas as investigações atingem um ponto em que já foi reunida informação suficiente para resolver o crime com nada mais do que o simples pensamento lógico. Cabe ao responsável pelo caso saber quando este ponto é atingido. E é isto que distingue um bom de um mau policia. Um mau p...

Borkmann's Point (2007) by Laurie Thompson

Kobieta ze znamieniem (1996)

This is the second time I've giving a Nesser book one star. And the second time I couldn't even get half-way through the text. Goodreads gives this four stars - very interesting. I found the start of the book so unrelentingly depressing that I couldn't be bothered going on another chapter. An old...

Kobieta ze znamieniem (1996) by Håkan Nesser