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Series: Heart Of The Prairie

by Author Kim Vogel Sawyer


A Home in Drayton Valley (2012)

After reading `A Hopeful Heart' by Kim Vogel Sawyer, I was keen to check out another of her books. While overall I enjoyed `A Home in Drayton Valley', there were a few things that I had mixed feelings about.The book is based in Drayton Valley, Kansas, during a time when there was a divide between...

A Home in Drayton Valley (2012) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Home in Drayton Valley, A (2012)

It's always sad to lose your best friend. But to lose them and be left with the promise of continuing with "Their life and making it Your own". That is what Tarsi is faced with. I can imagine adopting children, but I don't know if I could ever imagine stepping into the role of being wife to a man...

Home in Drayton Valley, A (2012) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

A Whisper of Peace (2011)

I have really enjoyed the other Kim Vogel Sawyer books I have read so I was looking forward to this Alaskan adventure. Sadly, I was disappointed. I didn't agree with their approach to missions, I thought it was reaaaaaallly slow, and it made a flip reference to a MASSIVE theological heresy. I can...

A Whisper of Peace (2011) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Song of My Heart (2012)

When Sadie Wagner receives news from her cousin Sid that his new hometown of Goldtree, Indiana has need of a clerk in a female-owned store and there's also an opera house in need of a singer, it seems like an answer to her prayer. Her beloved Papa is bedridden with an injury and the family needs ...

Song of My Heart (2012) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

A Promise for Spring (2009)

I found this book to be a very good read! I loved the author's style of writing as well as the storyline/plot. It is an intriguing story of a couple who fell in love when young teenagers but then are separated for five years while he is building a life for them in America. The characters are r...

A Promise for Spring (2009) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Promisiunea primaverii (2011)

This book was well written and an easy read. But it is also very predictable and ends with an amazing happily ever after type ending. The main character travels to America to marry her sweetheart but it has been 5 years since she has seen him and doesn't want to marry him when she arrives. You se...

Promisiunea primaverii (2011) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Promise for Spring, A (2009)

This was a quick easy read. I loved the premise but initially hated one of the main characters. Emmaline rubbed me the wrong way from the first chapter. Her stubbornness was extremely annoying but I suppose that if she wasn't stubborn there would be no story. But despite some characters' flaws i ...

Promise for Spring, A (2009) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Courting Miss Amsel (2011)

This was a sweet story and I quite enjoyed it. :) It was a light read. I love when I can set a book down and look forward to picking it up again later, expecting only to be able to relax and not think overmuch about the contents. Sometimes you just need a break from the heavier subjects.This is t...

Courting Miss Amsel (2011) by Kim Vogel Sawyer

Curtand-o pe domnisoara Amsel (2012)

KlappentextWalnut Hill - ein beschauliches Städtchen in Nebraska. Ein Städtchen, dessen Bewohner Weizen anbauen und glücklich sind, wenn alles so bleibt, wie es ist. Allerdings nur, bis die junge Lehrerin Hannah Robin dort ihre erste Stelle annimmt. Für sie ist es ihr Traumjob: eine Schule, eine ...

Curtand-o pe domnisoara Amsel (2012) by Kim Vogel Sawyer