A Heartbreak Hipster ReviewWith Kerouac being one of my father's favourite authors - (he takes The Dharma Bums with him whenever we travel. He even named our first dog after him, though we kids were unable to pronounce the name, and so just called him “Wacky”) - I have always been encouraged to r...
Having finished reading Jack Kerouac’s classic The Subterraneans, one feels as though one has been embraced and punched in the guts at the same time. Harmonious near-poetry one minute, it becomes a phonetic cacophony the next. The book is the on-again off-again love story of Leo and Mardou, San F...
Should you read this book? Well, to quote Jack Kerouac himself, “I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference."What inspired me to read Big Sur, which I somehow skipped in all earlier Kerouac stints, was Ben Gibbard and Jay Farrar's 2009 LP: One Fast Move Or I'm Gone: Kerouac's ...
В «громадной и безумной легенде» Керуака «Ангелы опустошения» следуют за «Бродягами Дхармы». И если «Бродяги» заканчиваются признанием в любви богу и жаждой обретения нового опыта, то «Ангелы» этот самый опыт воспроизводят, а затем и то, что за ним следует. Роман составлен из двух книг. Изначальн...