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Series: Complete World Knowledge

by Author John Hodgman


More Information Than You Require Adapted (2008)

Generally only "the classics" seem to get 5 stars but honestly this book IS REALLY THAT GOOD. (Sorry, Hodgman's writing has shown me that ALL CAPS can and should be used on a regular basis.)As a former 'Ordained Minister' of the Church of SubGenius I loved Hodgman's book because it was so much l...

More Information Than You Require Adapted (2008) by John Hodgman

That is All (2011)

This book is very clever which I say without irony. I laughed, out loud, a lot. It's also complete nonsense, every word, and to make any sense of it, you need to read every word. My reading time is limited so I don't have time for every single word. I skim for the gist of set-ups and descriptions...

That is All (2011) by John Hodgman

More Information Than You Require (2008)

I can understand why somebody would like this one. I totally get it. This assortment of fake facts has a lot of silly and fun things to offer you, but after listening to more than half of it, I don't think I can really go on.I just cannot justify the time to listen to an audiobook about fake fa...

More Information Than You Require (2008) by John Hodgman