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Foxy And Egg (2011)

Foxy and Egg (2011)

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0823423301 (ISBN13: 9780823423309)
Holiday House

About book Foxy And Egg (2011)

Long-time lovers of children’s books may find something familiar about the tale of Foxy DeBois who invites a young egg into her house for a meal. What can this sense of déjà vu be? More than likely you read ‘Egg’. With the success of Foxy in the intervening years, the book has been renamed and re-released, but does it remain as fun?The answer is simply yes. ‘Foxy and Egg’ is a great book in its own right, but also proved to be an excellent introduction to the characters. Drawn in bold and slightly eccentric style, this is in perfect keeping with a story that will appeal to the child with a slightly wicked sense of humour. Throughout the book it is clear that Foxy is planning something a lot more boiled for Egg that he is aware – this could be a little scary for smaller children, but most will find it thrilling.As well as having a plot that will have them sitting up in bed in anticipation, there is also a very fun conclusion that they will not see coming. I certainly did not and I have at least 30 years on the recommended reading age for the book. With the book ending on a high children will giggle and want to read it again to spot any clues and take a different understanding from the book.As mentioned, this is a reissue of a book that is already available; the only differences are the cover colour and the name. This is no bad thing as the stuff inside is still excellent. Smith illustrates the book as well as writing it so the pictures perfectly compliment the story. There is a slight scratchiness to proceedings in the character drawings and they are perfectly offset by the fun wallpapered backgrounds that use bold colours.With the clear imagery, fun action and relatively few words, this is a sharing picture book that will work best with a child that wants to follow the story and who like something a little more scary and fun. Adults will also get a kick out of the quality illustrations and daft sense of humour; I know I did. Just remember that if you own ‘Egg’, purchasing the renamed ‘Foxy and Egg’ is a little redundant. Original review on With cliches and small details that will delight adults, the illustrations and storyline captivated the dozen or so youngsters at story time today. They laughed out loud, and worried for Mr. Egg in this story and tried to keep him from staying to become Foxy's breakfast...well, guest. This is a creative story, with bright bold illustrations and a wonderful surprise ending - which had my audience laughing and applauding. Clearly this was the favorite of the four books read today.

Do You like book Foxy And Egg (2011)?

An eggstremely clever story with an uneggspected ending you don't want to miss. –Monty K.-

Loved the illustrations and surprise ending!

Nothing surprising, but fun, nonetheless.

Fun picture book--

Brilliant ending!

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