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Alex T. Smith

Alex T. Smith
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Books by Alex T. Smith


Foxy and Egg (2011)

Long-time lovers of children’s books may find something familiar about the tale of Foxy DeBois who invites a young egg into her house for a meal. What can this sense of déjà vu be? More than likely you read ‘Egg’. With the success of Foxy in the intervening years, the book has been renamed and...

Foxy and Egg (2011) by Alex T. Smith

Claude En La Ciudad (2014)

Two fun adventures of Claude the dog and his best friend Sir Bobblysock. I must say that Sir Bobblysock is my favorite part of this book; he is both a sock and quite bobbly as well and grubby and smells a bit like cheese. What's not to like? Great fun & silliness ensue as the friends venture out ...

Claude En La Ciudad (2014) by Alex T. Smith

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