Why. Why did I force my way through four of these poorly written pieces of prepper fan fic propaganda. The author (middle name must be "Male" >sarcasm< ) couldn't write a woman if he had one of the many weapons he loves describing held to his head. I suspect he is not knowledgeable about the military either but i only have experience being a woman so can't comment. The huge variance in tone from sweeping generalizations to "list making" and the sudden insertions of anti- Obama, anti - liberal rhetoric are jarring. I read the first because I was trapped in Jury Duty. I read the next three because I'm an idiot. Avoid unless your eyes need excercise from rolling or this is your particular flavor of Kool Aid. I don't have a long review of this book. I will be honest and say it wasn't my favorite. I received this book as an ARC, and thought I would take a chance on an author I haven't read. Realizing that I am coming into this series on book four, I didn't let that influence my review.What mainly got me on this is 1) the author's pseudonym and 2) the I'm a better survivalist than you attitude.Now I realize that author's need/want pseudonyms (I've not used one yet, but that day may come). But to choose one so blatanly in your face as A. American seems a bit much, especially when you are going to write about survivalism. Now that coupled with the writing approach of showing how much the author knows about survival just makes this to me read like a text book from a neo-militant compound. I had a hard time getting into this book and I won't be back tracking to read the other three. Just not my style, could be for someone else.
Do You like book Forsaking Home (2014)?
great read!!!!! I am looking forward to the book!!!