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Forsaken Dreams (2013)

Forsaken Dreams (2013)

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4.03 of 5 Votes: 3
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1616265965 (ISBN13: 9781616265960)
Shiloh Run Press

About book Forsaken Dreams (2013)

It was an okay book. The writing was done well and I was able to finish it but mostly because I wanted it to get better. I just didn't like a huge part of the book. If you are from the South and still think that the North was the enemy from the civil war then this is the book for you! I'm sure back then their were several people who felt the way it was expressed during the book. I just don't like reading it. The theme to the story should have been that war isn't pleasant and really no one comes away winners. Instead it came across that both sides were evil, killers, judgmental and racists. Way too much drama that made this book a lot longer than it needed to be. There was also too much repetition in actions and wording. If I had to deal with Blake's indecision and back and forth angst I really would have given him up and looked towards Hayden or James ;-)- heck, I even started to warm to Mr. Graves and I don't think I was suppose to. The drunk Mr. Lewis perhaps? He seemed jolly enough!I will not be continuing with the series. I am interested in Hayden's story, but not Magnolia. She annoyed me throughout and I have no interest in learning more about her.I was, however, intrigued with the idea of so many southerners moving to Brazil after the civil war. I may be interested in learning more about this at some point.

Do You like book Forsaken Dreams (2013)?

Confederates sail to Brazil for a new life. Pretty entertaining for this type of book.

Very good book. Refresher in history lessons, makes me unsympathic with the North.

Is a great book to read

It was a good read.

4.5 stars

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