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Een Sluier Van Parels (2013)

Een sluier van parels (2013)

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About book Een Sluier Van Parels (2013)

Review in a sentence: pleasantly surprised.Historical romance where lowly girl meets dashing, high-society fellow. Girl can't stand guy. Thus is the premise of many historical fiction novels. After reading a few, I feel I'm kinda done with the genre.Well...Not with this book. Yes, the previously described theme is still there, but there is so much more to this story; so many more layers. Throughout the story, God's faithfulness is made known and it is presented in a fabulous way. This can feel unnatural and forced in other stories, but this isn't one of them.And so much more exciting. The story isn't confined to just ball rooms and drawing rooms, no. There are tropical islands, plantations, and ships, complete with sword-wielding, *Pirates of the Caribbean*-style action scenes. I won't go any further or else I will give too much away, but this book exceeded my expectations. I absolutely loved this story about two completely different worlds colliding. MaryLu Tyndall can bring a character, a scene, a setting to life. It kept my attention the whole time. There was so much you could learn from this story. Both of the characters had to realize that God is a real, knowable, powerful, and loving God. The main male character, Morgan, also had to realize that status and wealth should not be and is not as important as what God thinks. I definitely recommend this book to those who like Christian fiction books.

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it was interesting, but the plot was very predictable

challenging of heart mind and spirit MUST READ!!!!!

Two and a half stars.

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