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Fletch Reflected (1995)

Fletch Reflected (1995)

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0515116769 (ISBN13: 9780515116762)

About book Fletch Reflected (1995)

This is the last outing with Fletch…and his son. The Fletch series starts with back to back bangs--full-on 5-star books. The rest of the series provides a great ride along with Fletch and the crazy characters that he collected along the way. The last few books were technically about his son Jack, but Fletch is the scene-stealer. The "mystery" here is secondary to Fletch and Jack working a few things out. It's a strong outing for the characters, but I wish there was one more outing with a richer main story line. Though, I can understand that it was time for McDonald to let Fletch say "Bye."Do yourself a favor and go visit Fletch and Confess, Fletch. There is a good journey ahead (especially if you can push through Fletch's Fortune).

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