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Fletch's Fortune (2002)

Fletch's Fortune (2002)

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3.76 of 5 Votes: 4
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0375713557 (ISBN13: 9780375713552)
vintage books

About book Fletch's Fortune (2002)

"C.I.A., Mister Fletcher.""Um. Would you mind spelling that?"And so starts the story of thirdly written Fletch novel in which I.M. Fletch is once again let loose on a world that does deserve his kind of craziness, but in a wholesome way I mean!When the story starts Fletch returns from a beach in Italy were he did enjoy some morning exersizes with the wife of his neighbor, which is the cost of his neighbor sleeping in late. Fletch finds himself blackmailed into doing a job for the US secret organisation which involves him planting listening devices on other journalists at a weekend conference of the big names of journalism. (this being 1978 means way before Bush Jr. they were already at it)As he has no choice, unless paying back taxation he travels back to the good ole US of A to serve his country. And the first person he meets is his favorite alias only she is far better looking and has clean knees.However before Fletch arrives the festivities have already started with the death of Walter March, former employer of I.M. Fletch and newspaper tycoon. So the game is afoot....The convention is filled with self absorbed people who think that Fletch is either crazy of or not worth their time. Which is not the case with the CIA, the widow March, Freddie, the guy from the IRS, the Navy and his former editor who wants his scoop.McDonald lets Fletch bring his unconventional game of detecting for the third time and he does so quite well. He creates once again a situation that is truly bizarre and when it is finished everything has been solved to satisfaction. Fletch is a rebel against anything or anybody with authority, and he gets away with it again. It is always nice to read about smart and witty people, and Mr. McDonald does have a gift for dialogue he makes you smile or laugh out loud.I have read most of the series and find them upon revisiting as fun as before.

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