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Fences And Windows: Dispatches From The Front Lines Of The Globalization Debate (2002)

Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate (2002)

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0312307993 (ISBN13: 9780312307998)

About book Fences And Windows: Dispatches From The Front Lines Of The Globalization Debate (2002)

“Огради и прозорци” на Нейоми Клайн разказва за битката срещу новия световен редНейоми Клайн е една от лидерите на световното алтерглобалистично движение. Да, това са онези от телевизионните кадри, които се събират на срещите на МФВ, Световната банка и други людоеди, и които полицията бие, обгазява и арестува с нестихваща страст. “Огради и прозорци” разказва за появата и развитието на това движение – от прочутите сблъсъци в Сиатъл (има хубав филм за тях), през следващите години, в които авторката посочва убедителното нарастване на насилие, използвано срещу протестиращите.

- well-written and intelligent (Klein is brilliant, with ideas as revolutionary as Marshall McLuhan's - who was also a Canadian, by the way).- not rated as highly as her 'No Logo', which was ground-breaking, and the best thing I have ever read on the subject of Corporate Branding...unfortunately 'Fences And Windows:...', although an interesting collection of Klein's essays, speeches, and newspaper-columns - doesn't really introduce any new arguments.- She does add evidence, and reformulates her description of our current global crisis - the divesting of control on all fronts to unbelievably wealthy and powerful multinational corporations

Do You like book Fences And Windows: Dispatches From The Front Lines Of The Globalization Debate (2002)?

Klein, along with Arudhati Roy, is one of the star commentators on current activist politics – and paradoxically a sort of celebrity activist. Readers should not approach this collection of reports, commentaries and journalism looking for the sort of thesis-driven analysis of current trends seen in either No Logo or The Shock Doctrine, but should expect to (and do) find inspiring tales of struggle and resistance, and developing alternatives to the current anti-democratic, exploitative, reactionary political trends. There is a good blend of bottom up struggle and critique of the activities of those in power. Good reportage and solid liberal/democratic socialist analysis – and as she admits elsewhere better at analysis that solutions: in this case, there should be plenty to inspire (in windows to alternatives) and much to annoy (in fences erected to limit struggle).

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