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Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein
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Books by Naomi Klein


Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate (2002)

“Огради и прозорци” на Нейоми Клайн разказва за битката срещу новия световен редНейоми Клайн е една от лидерите на световното алтерглобалистично движение. Да, това са онези от телевизионните кадри, които се събират на срещите на МФВ, Световната банка и др...

Fences and Windows: Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Globalization Debate (2002) by Naomi Klein

No Logo (2002)

For an understanding of what's going on in the current social sphere, No Logo should be required reading. Not that the book is perfect, but it contains a wonderful analysis of how the corporate sphere has expanded to fill virtually all areas of public space and dialog. One of the most surprisin...

No Logo (2002) by Naomi Klein

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