Nota 4 este o nota de compromis: nu mi-a placut deloc ideea de a copia X-men-ul și incercarea de marvelizare a universului Fables, asa cum s-a intamplat cu sfarsitul seriei Jack of Fables, desi a fost o incercare destul de amuzant, nu a fost suficient de ironica si sarcastica ca sa fie convingatoare.Pe de alta parte, conflictele personale, dramele interioare ale personajelor precum si marea lupta finala intre Mister Dark si North Wind - o inclestare cu adevarat de proportii epice, foarte frumos ilustrata - mi-au placut foarte mult, intensitatea povestii tinandu-ma, din nou, cu sufletul la gura.Volumul este in regula, desi putea sa fie si mai bun. La momentul acesta nu stiu, sincer, daca intr-adevar povestea este la fel de bine scrisa sau eu sunt mult prea atasat de personajele din acest Univers... Inca nu sunt un fan-boy dar nici mult nu mai am pana acolo... :) This book was all over the place. Bufkin is out of the office in Oz. Or maybe he is still in the office and Oz is in the office? In any case, that was the fun part of this volume. The rest is fairly grim although ultimately positive. I think. Mister Dark gets defeated by someone on his level. They are in a box somewhere. Bellflower left the box somewhere which seems damn risky. Since the North Wind is gone, one of Snow's and Bigby's cubs will become the North Wind. I suppose we'll find out which one in the next volume. Ozma got her comeuppance by not even being part of the defeat of Mister Dark. Pinocchio got HIS comeuppance by not even making the team Ozma put together that didn't fight Mister Dark. No news about Gepetto and the Blue Fairy in this one. I'm not too clear on what is going on with Sleeping Beauty and why there are now two of them. To be continued....
Do You like book Fables, Vol. 16: Super Team (2011)?
This is just a sad excuse to keep making money on a series that should have ended at issue #100.
Stutt stopp í miðjunni á Gravity's Rainbow. Langt frá því að vera sú besta í seríunni
Another fun romp. Can't wait to see what happens next!