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EmpreLiderazgo: 20 Años De Sabiduría Práctica Haciendo Negocios De (2012)

EmpreLiderazgo: 20 años de sabiduría práctica haciendo negocios de (2012)

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Go back to first chapter for list of things you must always be doing.Positional leadership vs Persuasion LeadershipHead of fries is positional, persuasion is discussion. Leader must have a servant mentality.teachingmeantoringstart with a dream - end with a goalDream and do somethingVision is what happens to the dreamwhere there is no vision, you will perish. business, family, etc..chapter 3what do you dohow do you executewhy do you do what you dogoal are visions and dreams with work clothes ongoal convert vision into energygoals are specific and measurablequadrantsimportant and urgentimportant but not urgenturgent but not importantnot important and not urgentChapter 5Decision makersFear - DecisionCitisism - do not be afraid of it. But be careful who you listen to. Do nothing, say nothing are not those whom you listen toTo make a decision1. Set a deadline2. Take right amount of time, larger decisions take larger amounts of time to decide.3. Give yourself lots of options, then narrow them down.Team your team how to make a decision. Be information gatherers. take time to allow them to offer their suggestion before offering yours.Make sure you have a clear sense of ethics. Situational ethics are bad. One great tip is to ask your spouse. Most of the times they can see things from the outside and help make the best decision.MarketingOprah effect -(2nd) 60 Minutes effect - Momentum therom - focused intensity over time multiplied by God equals momentum. Reasons to loose Momentum- loss of focus- greed (to much too fast)Make sure that 'focused intensity over time' - you focus on the things that really matterChapter 7Don't flop WhoppersStart small and be proud.Start humble and be proud.When is it time to jump, quite your day job. Two things that determine.One: percentage of startup versus day job. Second: how income is trending in startupPassion mattersHard work is a prison if the work has no meaning.What: How: Why: People buy the why you do it. The why...Build your flower bouquet from theFlowers within reach. Things you are great at.Passion trumps obstacles and age. Do your research. Investigate the company.ConclusionSmall businesses help thrive our economy. Chapter 8 Hiring Firing and Personanilty.Turnover is bad for business Take more time in hiring. Take more time.Don't get an employee, get a team member12 components in hiring. 1. Prayer 2. Advertise and get referrals - waste of time. Referrals from current employees - bonus3. 30 minute drive-by interview 2 ears to 1 mouth 4. Resume and references5. Testing tools - relational intelligance The disc test. Dominance - lion Influencer - otter Steady - golden retriever Compliant - beaver6. Do you like them? Hire people you like.7. Do they light up? They have passion for their position. They would do the work without being paid. Philosophy of what you do. Working hard and Christian. But not just one of those.8. Personal budge and mission statement. Look at their budget. Make them create a personal mission statement. 9. Compensation calculation - develop exactly what people will be paid and benefits before interview. People who talk money first, are not those whom you want on your team.10. Key results areas - detailed job description, KRA. What are requirements of the job.11. Spousal Interview - get advice and thoughts from your spouse. Dinner with department head and boss and their spouse. Dinner with new hire and spouse.12. 90 day probation - no obligation to our company, we have every obligation to the new hire.Subtracting - team membersThree reason checklist for release.Root cause of failure. 1. Leadership failure - KRA outlines well? Given the tools to win? IT department 2 week story. 2. Personal problem - Quantify the problem. Assess how to help. Always go to far in extending personal problems. 3. Incompetence - Quantify the level. Behaviors issue. Never quite reaches excellence, and never will.Set them free. Fire a gun, sets the bullet free to go elsewhereTimeframe for release.Immediately - integrity and stealing. Act. Zero tolerance. Treat people with kindness and care about them. Verbal reprimand - paternal instructions on what you must do to stay. - be short - be uncomfortable for everyone - attack the problem directly. Sandwich - praise, problem, praise - private, never do it in front of someone else - be gental. Kindness.Death of a salesman The art of selling by serving.Believe in what you sell, or don't sell it. Know the competition and serve your customer. Know why you are better, without tearing down.Listen instead of talk, ask questions. They will tell you what they want.People don't buy products, they buy what those products do.Describe the benefits, not the product.The Closer. - techniquesThe Entreleader does not close with the wrong attitude. Not arm twisting techniquesFeel, felt, foundThe Assumptive Close - simply take the order. Shut Up - teach your team to listen and shut up, ask question.Alternative Close - brother of assumptive, present two closure options. No yes or no.Calendar Close - two days that you will present the closure time.Integrity Close (test drive, puppy close) - it is really hard to give it back.Money in the House - invoices are promises. Without Money there is no sale.Conclusion - love product, love customer, and serve in order to serve.Chapter 9Financial Peace for BusinessStory of economy and not being in fear when stock mArket was in panic.Never make big decisions when in fear or drunk.Lots of cash, no debt, margin on products, spirits of generosity.Basic principles work. * Do the accounting - cash flow problems, result of lack of accounting. * * Micro businesses - primitive accounting, no embezzling. Never pay business expenses from personal, or personal from this account. (oops) * Taxes will kill your business - borrow sales tax money. Have a tax checking account and save 25% for taxes * Budget - P&L yourself. But you must do more. Budget... Looking forward. * Act your wage - business overspend when they. Adding credibility, need for toys. ONLY buy with surplus cash. Don't impress with decorations. * Tax savings on unnessary products in order to make a profit. - stupid, not buy to save on taxes. * * $75,000 profit a year = 25% tax bracket * $10000 spent to get that deduction * Saving 25% or $2500 * Spent $10,000 in order to save at $2500 * Debt - survive on 10% of ideas. Debt magnifies mistakes. None-fatal failure. * * Space Camp - 1 book every five weeks. Made 8 books, three more to advertise. Space camp was trademarked. Borrow would have caused them to eat money when having to spread books. * Debt kills cash - cash flow problem, tax and debt problems. * Debt mythology 1. Starting without debt - start small with cash 2. Line of credit myth - cash flow fluxuations 3. Credit Card debt in business - reactive, didn't think. 4. Large purchase require debt - rent and save to stay ahead. Slow and steadyRules for large purchases 1. Pay cash 2. Rent until you can pay. 3. Outsource to avoid debt 4. We buy used (questionable with electronics) * Save - retained earnings ? 6 months of operating capital. * Expect unexpected * Investing in your favorite company. Having extra money allows you to try new things. * Oportunity is knocking. * Be generous - hallmark of operating with soul. * Applying the principles - stop spending, if you have debt * drop your personal income * Apply profits for debt reduction, and use some for cash reservesChapter 10Grasping relationship between great communication and great companiesMap / Directions story - bad directions are frustratingCommunication in a business is a great map to the party1. Don't make communication a priority2. Management intendially under communicateTeam does know what's going on = employees Not team membersFear, frustration, distrust - culture of secrets and gossip.Tell them what the dream is. Repeat the goals and dreams.Communication in times of trouble. Decide how you will communicate during a crisis. - win in doubt over share. more details and more of the story then you are comfortable with. - disclaimer. No gossip. Sensitive info. Acting like adults - never embaris persons while over sharing. - no privacy on my equipment.Common ways to communicate 1. Staff Meetings. What are other staff members doing? Productivity and Sinergy went up. 2. Devotional Meetings. Inspirational times with local pastor or leaders. 3. Mail. Voicemail, Email, Non-verbal communication is 80% of communication 4. Weekly reports. Summary written to yourself. High and Low points, personality. 5. 1. Report musts - read and react! 6. Key result areas - Define what winning looks like. 7. Management by walking around - no better way to communicate than in person 8. 1. Tom Peters - In Search of Excellence 1. MBWA - hands on leadershipChapter 11. People Matter MostStory of Employee - Tragic NewsHow to make decisions quickly? Golden Rule Treat others how you want to be treated if you want to build loyalty and unity.People have a need to be treated with dignity. Story of Salesman compensation with million dollar deal.Fanatical IntegrityNever miss payrollBe transparentNever mistreatEntreleaders must follow through in a predictable, positive, and proactive manner on every issue and opportunity.People allow themselves to be lead only when they feel valued and are treated with dignity.UnityBelgian Draft Horse - 8000 one, 20000 two.It's not simple or easyDisunity more than offsets the unity of all othersFive enemies of unity 1. Poor Communication 2. Lack of shared purpose, goals, mission, vision, dream 3. Gossip - problems grips must be handed up in leadership 4. Unresolved disagreements - Resolve them. Shared integrity and shared respect 5. Sanctioned Imcompetance - good team members become demotivated. Unity and loyaltyCaught in the actGetting attention is necessaryPeople yearn for affectionRecognition 1. Just to do it. Recognize when you see it. If u do it you'll be a leader and human. 2. Do it in front of people that person cares about. 3. Recognize in writing. 4. Recognize in front of peers for extra power. 5. Recognition doen't have to be expensive. 6. Must be inspiring 7. 1. Vision casting 2. Compensation 3. Crusader mentality 4. Story telling - history, building 5. Predictability - erratic behavior does not inspire. 6. Passion 7. Example - set the tone, speed, work ethic of the teamConclusion - its not unreachable. It just makes sense.Show me the money - compensation that fires people up.Pay them - like you would want to be paid if you were in their shoes.Creativity is key.Don't overpay them. Your team can tell.Incentives that share in the win. Commission people get rich.Ways to pay people * Salary - don't motivate * Profit Sharing - great way, but dangerous if done poorlyNew Animals - team discussed on compensation.Tigers - snooty waiter. Koala bears - 5:30:00Seniority sounds corporate. 50% years on job. 33% personal score effort and attitude. 17% profitability of department.Ways to give profit sharing money. * Profit sharing means I am sharing some of my profits * Only given with expenses went down and profit went up.Commission * Straight commission - make a sale and collect the percentage. * Salary plus - lower commission rate, salary is just over starvation level. * Draw plus - draw is like a salary. Commission isn't paid until draw is repaid. 5:37:30Profit and loss bonus - lousy salary. Percentage on month after. Fighters. Their own company. * Vesting - CFO, COO - based on business control matrix.Broke sales people smell bad. They pressure.Benefits * Free products * Random meals * Health insurance - enough for the premium is less. Never pay 100% * * Disability insurance - group rates are great * Cool and creative - movies, pot luck once a month. * Gym memberships - but with rules * Ministry week - extra week off if they used it in a certified non-profit. * Education - web site story. Sometimes they learn and leave with your education. But * HR fund - education, 401k, flowers, airline tickets.Conclusion - develop a generous culture. When in doubt be generousMastering the Rope - Delegation , the best way to build a bigger business than yourself. * Trust - don't bust the trust. - * Shorten the rope, steps allow the rope to be loosened.The art if delegating is silimar to lengthening the ropeLast Not FirstWhen you delegate inproperly you will build a mess.Properly prepare your organizations future, Hire and keep only the right people, build unity and loyalty, Recognize achievement and creatively compensate, delegation will become the joy of your life.Magic formula - In order for an entre leader to successfully delegate you must trust the team members integrity and compotensy. Paper cost. Delegation is a lengthy process. Integrity - complicated tasks only to integrity. If you steal, you are fired. Henry Cloud - Integrity - integer, any whole number. No fraction. Function in wholeness.Compotensy - trust in smarts and skills. Walk with them as they display their knowledge and ability.Compotensy is more than just the ability to accomplish the task. * How was the task accomplished * How did all the people feel * Were all the problems considered? * Were all the downside considered? * Were all the financial conciderations of cash flow and profit considered and handled?Never expect more than you inspect. Never surrenderLevels of delegation - Stephen cover, principle centered leadershipSystems and processes can only do so much verification of integrity and compensation, continue to teach why.Gofer level delegation - simple tasks that are easily verified.Management - delegating concepts that have implied tasks. Inspect the concept. Home building story.Micro managers - bad bosses. Until they prove their competency, it's called training.Authority - never give someone responsibility without the authority to perform.Titles don"t make leaders. Give them the title, must allow them to lead.Conclusion - share Ramsey play book.Passion of an entre leader is always a skill valuable in the work place.Go make a difference in the way business is conducted. This book has been a good read for me as a hopeful entrepreneur who hasn't done much yet. It has fired me up to turn ideas in my head, and has given me hope that starting small is not an issue, that many have had to do the same and succeeded. The advice the book gives is from experience, so it has helped me keep it grounded, realizing that it isn't a ride into the sunset from the get-go and that problems will invariably go. Now, slow it may be, I am ready to set sail, and hopeful because of this book.

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