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Emma's Table (2008)

Emma's Table (2008)

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0061553832 (ISBN13: 9780061553837)

About book Emma's Table (2008)

Galanes' second novel revolves around Emma Sutton, once the queen of interior design who appeared regularly on Oprah, now a newly released convicted felon. Emma is determined to regain her balance -- personally and professionally -- but her old habits are hard to resist. The story opens at an auction, where she gets an antique table by misleading a Japanese diplomat who wants it for better reasons. From this less than stellar start, her week goes wrong as she deals with her ex-husband (who wants to try again), her adult daughter (a mass of insecurities and bad habits), guilt and shame. At the same time her weekend assistant, Benjamin Blackman, is not coping very well with his girlfriend Melora, his day job as a grade school social worker, or a troubled, overweight third grader called Gracie Santiago. In particular he missteps with Gracie's mother, Tina, who is desperate to help her daughter but losing ground fast. When Emma decides that she has brought her woes upon herself and can get rid of them the same way, the story lines collide for a neat conclusion. A thoughtful, placid novel, with some interesting reflections on mother- daughter relationships, but somewhat overpopulated given the minimal plot. After her release from prison for tax evasion, Emma Sutton, obviously modeled after Martha Stewart, finds herself disenchanted with the empire she had build from the ground up. The turning point comes at an auction, where Emma, in a moment of egotistical, cut-throat maneuvering purchases a table out from under a fellow bidder.As the story progresses, Emma’s guilt, felt for the first time in many years, drives her to make amends with the gentleman. While Emma is not transformed into a perfect person during the span of the novel, she does grow, surprising not only her family and friends, but herself as well. She’s still brash and controlling, but she’s learning the importance of other people and ultimately the power of forgiveness. This is another novel that will be enjoyed by those who like happy endings for each of the characters.

Do You like book Emma's Table (2008)?

Obviously a Martha Stewart spoof, it leaves one sad for Martha.

I cannot recall where I saw this book and added it to my list.

I just started reading this and am excited.

2012 book club selection.

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