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Philip Galanes

Philip Galanes
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Books by Philip Galanes


Social Q's: How to Survive the Quirks, Quandaries and Quagmires of Today (2011)

Philip Galanes' short book on etiquette is a fun, easy read with a good message: be kind.Not necessarily unique, Galanes' witty urgings that we be patient, listen, consider others, and be kind are wrapped in interesting and fun questions posed to him through the New York Times' Sunday Styles sect...

Social Q's: How to Survive the Quirks, Quandaries and Quagmires of Today (2011) by Philip Galanes

Emma's Table (2008)

Galanes' second novel revolves around Emma Sutton, once the queen of interior design who appeared regularly on Oprah, now a newly released convicted felon. Emma is determined to regain her balance -- personally and professionally -- but her old habits are hard to resist. The story opens at an auc...

Emma's Table (2008) by Philip Galanes

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