I almost didn't read this after reading the first book of the series and finding that it fell a bit flat for me. Because of that I was reluctant to read this even though I already loved Kefir from book 1 and decided to skip book 2 altogether. I was worried that in so doing I would miss some key points from the second book's relationship, but it turns out I needn't have worried. I can't quite tell if that's a thing I like about Kim Dare's writing or not, but at least this time it worked to my advantage.Overall I'm pleased with this book and with the development of Kefir and Ellery's relationship, how the two include each other in their respective worlds before combining the two for a successful end. I can't give this piece anything higher than a 4 as there's no real depth to the concept and it's basically a retelling of the first installment just with a different character/relationship focus with characters I enjoy more. Still, I'm glad I took the time to come back and read it. Kefir and his kitten qualities really is adorable. Date Started: 5th July 2012Date Finished 6th July 2012Page Length: 127 PDFLions are supposed to be masters so imagine Kefir's surprise when he realizes he wants to be a pet and not a master. I absolutely loved this book,definitely the favourite throughout the whole series so far. Kefir and Ellery's relationship was exactly what you expect it to be when you think about BDSM, I loved how at the beginning Kefir thought Ellery was going to be his pet by about half-way through the book, he realized that he was Ellery's pet. I don't know what else to say. Just that this was my favourite book by far by Kim Dare and you should read it.Check out my blogs. missnobody1996.tumblr.com (this is my reveiw website) and raisedbyunderdog.tumblr.com
Do You like book Ellery's Duty (2010)?
The best of the series so far. I absolutely love Kefir :)
oh god!! Ellery was so sexy and I love little Kefir! :)
Sweet kink who would have thunk it??!!