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Dubin's Lives (2003)

Dubin's Lives (2003)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 3
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0374528829 (ISBN13: 9780374528829)
farrar, straus and giroux

About book Dubin's Lives (2003)

Long ago, a creative writing teacher recommended this book to me. I've finally read it, and in turn I highly recommend it. Malamud shows a mastery of prose and an immense talent for description. His passages describing the changing seasons are incredible!At first, the author's tendency to bend the "laws" of punctuation and grammar threw me a little. The first twenty pages didn't hold my interest, but after that I adjusted to his style and grew to appreciate it. It was worth persevering.The book tells a story that is at once absorbing, sensual, frustrating and heartbreaking. Whatever the author's intentions, I found the title character to be rather less than admirable -- and normally a book with an unlikeable protagonist would be hard-pressed to keep my interest. This one did earn my interest, and even gained moments of insight and sympathy that brought me inside the flaws of the main character and allowed me to understand him, even if I never exactly liked the man.I recommend this book for its deep exploration of a flawed man as he grapples with love, aging, and temptation. Well done.

Ho abbandonato e ripreso questo libro molte volte nel corso degli ultimi mesi. Non una volta mi sono dimenticata di che si stava parlando. William Dubin, biografo, quando intraprende la scrittura della biografia di Lawrence entra in crisi. Come uomo, come marito, come padre. E' il racconto di pochi anni della vita di Dubin ma che saranno fondamentali. Non c'è un momento di noia in questo romanzo anche se le azioni avvengono soprattutto nel (non)cambiamento del protagonista. A chi è piaciuto Revolutionary Road di Yates questo libro non può non piacere. E' un romanzo che racchiude tutti i temi cari a Malamud e chi lo ha amato nei racconti troverà picevole il ritmo che dà al romanzo. Non posso dire di più. E' uno di quei romanzi che deve essere letto e messo come base a tutte le altre letture.

Do You like book Dubin's Lives (2003)?

Marvelous! I'd read The Tenant years ago and it remains one of my all time favorite books today. This, however, is very different in tone and style, but I felt just as fascinated by its main character, William Dubin as I did with Harry Lesser. Malamud is so amazing at letting us know how others feel even through third-person limited narration, and his secondary characters live and breathe outside of their scenes until we meet them again on the page. In this case, even the subjects of Dubin's work, (he is a biographer of Thoreau and D.H. Lawrence) became characters in the story. Though Malamud could have stuffed this novel full of details about Dubin's subjects to impress the reader with his knowledge, he chose to reveal only the facts which in turn reveal Dubin's nature. But the strongest point of this story has to be Dubin's quest for love and Malamud's deep understand of marriage, family relations, and growing older.I loved this.
—Mel Bossa

At tmes there is almost a sensory pleasure to be derived from Malamud's skill in style, detail and story line. In the end, though, it is a well-told story of a selfish, nearly solipsistic life, in a mode very specific (I think) to late-middle-aged males. Every decision Dubin makes s for himself, in his own interests, and as the novel goes on, he even turns the decisions and choices of others into nothing more than a means of justifying his own choices and decisions.The book offers much to think about in terms of personal relationshops, Dubin with his wife, his mistress, his casual flings, his daughter and step-son, his friends. I often found myself thinking, "Why is he acting this way at this particular time?" One eventually figures out what a life would look like when it has become unmoored from any consideration outside of itself.
—Chuck Lowry

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