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Bernard Malamud

Bernard Malamud
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Books by Bernard Malamud


The Fixer (2004)

Well that was depressing. There may have been a time or two I have been this relieved that I have finally finished a book, but it hasn't happened often. It was such a relief to close that book knowing I never have to open it again. I know that "The Fixer" has won both the National Book Award ...

The Fixer (2004) by Bernard Malamud

God's Grace (2005)

Paleologist Calvin Cohn, this novel's protagonist was studying the bottom of the ocean when the Second Flood struck. The flood is due to the thermonuclear war brought about by the Cold War (this novel was first published in 1982) and God willed the total anihilation of men on earth. However, God ...

God's Grace (2005) by Bernard Malamud

Dubin's Lives (2003)

Long ago, a creative writing teacher recommended this book to me. I've finally read it, and in turn I highly recommend it. Malamud shows a mastery of prose and an immense talent for description. His passages describing the changing seasons are incredible!At first, the author's tendency to bend th...

Dubin's Lives (2003) by Bernard Malamud

The Tenants (2003)

Publicado en hablé de Bernard Malamud en esta reseña de otra novela suya. En este caso, y gracias a la misma editorial podemos gozar nuevamente de otra muestra de su buen hacer; la sencillez argumental de la novela “Los inquilinos” esconde sin embargo un...

The Tenants (2003) by Bernard Malamud

The Natural (2003)

An interesting tale by a great writer. It's a first novel, much simpler than some of Malamud's other work, the dialogue a little awkward, but perhaps intentionally so. Do not read further if you don't like spoilers. It is hard to say anything about this novel without giving away pivotal events.**...

The Natural (2003) by Bernard Malamud

Pictures of Fidelman: An Exhibition (1975)

Close to where I live is a very cluttered antique shop. It is actually a house and every room is packed to the brim with odds and ends. At the back is a room full of second hand books. One wall is covered floor to ceiling with old penguin books, many of them first editions. They cost between £1 a...

Pictures of Fidelman: An Exhibition (1975) by Bernard Malamud

A New Life (2004)

Having now read the first three of Bernard Malamud's eight novels, I am less than halfway to knowing him as a novelist. Already I have developed a strong affinity for him. He is drawn to creating stories of how men acquire wisdom through suffering, also a major concern of my father's, and you cou...

A New Life (2004) by Bernard Malamud

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