This funny little story about a lamb name Dougy who told a fib that turned into a lie is a story that teaches about the danger of fibbing. Dougy ate his friends popcorn and fibbed and said he didn't do it. He continued to fib and then it grew into a big bubble of lies. This bubble of lies floated him off to space and before he knew it, he was in a atmosphere full of babbling fibbers. Dougy had to tell the truth if he wanted to come back down to earth. So that he did, and he never fibbed again.I would use this to teach about voice. Not everyone hears voice when they read something, but this book to me has a great voice. When I hear myself reading it in my head, it is almost like the little lamb, Dougy, is reading the story to me. Students would love this book and I'm sure they would have many different voices in their head reading it just the way that they imagined. Students could use this as a reference to writing with voice. If students can hear voice in this piece, then they can try to implement voice into their own writing. "Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib" is a really cute story about two friends who spend their day at a circus, but one lies about eating all the popcorn. The lie bubble floats him off into space and he becomes lonely and misses his friend. He realizes that the only way to get his friend back is to tell the truth so he does. The story would be great to read to 2nd or 3rd graders because it is a cute way to show how lies can mess up and break apart friendships. The book really illustrates how friendships can be torn apart from lies.
Do You like book Doug-Dennis And The Flyaway Fib (2010)?
Great fun especially if you can do lots of funny voices. The big long fib was really hilarious.
This was on the circus display in the children's department, and I couldn't resist.