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Darren Farrell

Darren Farrell
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Books by Darren Farrell


Thank You, Octopus (2014)

This was hilarious - it had me and my husband ROFL-ing! On each page, the octopus offers to help the little boy with something...and then does something completely unhelpful instead! (E.g. "Let me help put your pj's on...the Statue of Liberty!!") Every time the octopus offers, the little boy s...

Thank You, Octopus (2014) by Darren Farrell

Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib (2010)

This funny little story about a lamb name Dougy who told a fib that turned into a lie is a story that teaches about the danger of fibbing. Dougy ate his friends popcorn and fibbed and said he didn't do it. He continued to fib and then it grew into a big bubble of lies. This bubble of lies floated...

Doug-Dennis and the Flyaway Fib (2010) by Darren Farrell

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