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Descobrindo Você #2: A Entrega (2014)

Descobrindo Você #2: A Entrega (2014)

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Edwards Publishing

About book Descobrindo Você #2: A Entrega (2014)

Am I the only one that finds it very, very similar to Aleatha's Consequences? At least so far..Young woman kidnapped by an older, sexy, very dominant and extremely wealthy man, the abuse, the contract, caring housekeeper, consequences for misbehaviour? Do I need to add more? It was ok to read but, after reading Consequences, I just couldn't help but compare the two, and this series doesn't hold a candle to CONSEQUENCES. At least for me it doesn't. part 2 of this dark serial is even more twisted! Not sure what direction the author is taking with this.Are we suppose to like the lead guy? Is Jeremy redeemable?He's a villain.Holding a woman prisoner,forcing her to sign a contract and do things she is not comfoprtable with is just plain creepy.That said,the writing is very good and keeps you thoroughly engrossed.part 3 comes out may 10,and I will definitely make sure my kindle is charged and ready to download.

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Enjoying the story but the serialization aspect is seriously annoying me and the cost

For some strange reason, I like it!

horrifically awesome

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