I think this was a touching story and I have read volumes 1-11 so far. After things began to talk about Daisy's past and him confronting it I have to say my interest sadly went down dramatically. It made me feel that it was like many manga, anime, book ect. that is dragged out past it's due date. I plan to finish this series as it progresses and am hoping that as I read further on I will become enchanted again. I have to say I did love the building up story line and character settings. あぁ…何だか重たい雰囲気に向かいつつあります。照や黒崎が辛い顔するのは本当に心苦しいです。お互い(特に黒崎)、相手の事になると自分の危険も省みなくなる程、動揺し心乱れる姿は見ていて切ない。全てが解決し、早く2人が何の問題もなく幸せになる姿が見たい。最後、最悪な所で終わってる…続きが見たくて禁断症状が…黒崎、無事なの!?
Love it: but they need to be honest with each other or they will never find happiness together.
What a creepy school director!!
No me hagas esto Motomi!!!!!
Now I'm obsessed