Do You like book Dear Nobody (2015)?
This was a bitter-sweet story of two youngsters just starting their lives in 1991. I felt incredibly close to their story, probably because I'm close to their age (roughly) and because their baby would be my age by now. So it's got a gorgeous kind of nostalgia to it that can only be built over time. I was looking for a "very British" kind of book when I picked this up. I wanted realism and something unmistakably "Brit" about it; real teenagers and screw-up parents and lives that are, frankly, a long way from anything resembling wholesome and perfect. This story is essentially about how our lives take different paths and that our rites of passage teach us that it's scary, but it's okay. It's part of becoming an 'adult'; though some adults are still on that road, learning. Nobody in this book has lived the life they'd planned for themselves, but what appears to be a tragedy for one young couple actually brings all the broken parts together. I loved that. I wish there was a sequel. By the end I found myself wondering what Helen and Chris would be like today, and what their lives would look like. I felt like I knew them.
Querido Nadie es una novela que lidia con el espinoso tema del embarazo adolescente y lo hace de una forma maravillosa. A través de las cartas que Helen le escribe a Nadie (su futuro hijo) así como de los recuerdos de Chris de esa época podemos conocer los dos puntos de vista de los protagonista de la historia y ver su evolución. Pero no sólo tenemos a los adolescentes, tal vez lo más valioso de esta obra sea que dedica mucho tiempo a presentarnos a los padres de ambos jóvenes y a que veamos como lo sucedido también les afecta a ellos. Esta variedad de personajes es fundamental para que puedan disfrutar del libros personas de todas las edades. Cuando leí este libro con 15 años, me identifiqué muchísimo con Helen y Chris y apenas recordaba que hubiera mucho más en la historia. Sin embargo, ahora con 25 me pareció mucho más importante y realista las reacciones de los padres y cómo estos lidiaban con el problema.Pero posiblemente lo que más me gustó es el final. Al principio parece un poco difícil de entender y obviamente decepciona porque no es el final feliz al que estamos acostumbrados, pero me parece un grana cierto. El final es realista y muy coherente con el resto de la historia. Una lectura muy recomendable para todo el mundo.
—Andrea Meijomil
I've owned this book for a long long long time. I'm not sure why I even picked it up because it doesn't sound like a book that younger Imogen would like, which might explain why I never finished it as a child. Ever a completist, I picked it up because it was short and I was curious how it ended.The problem with the book is that it was written 25 years ago and it feels like it was written 25 years ago. What should be a relatable story about a teenage pregnancy and the consequences, isn't, because it just hasn't aged well. The description is shoved wherever it will go, long flowery sentences that don't match the subject matter or the audience.There's barely any difference between Chris's internal monologue and Helen's letters to the baby. But this won the Carnegie Medal, I'm just not sure what I'm missing.Review originally posted on Imogen’s Typewriter.