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Berlie Doherty

Berlie Doherty
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Books by Berlie Doherty


Street Child (1995)

As part of the Essential Modern Classics series the book starts with an informative paragraph bio. of the author followed by an essay entitled "Why You'll Love This Book" written by a famous author, in this case Julia Golding. Then a quick blurb on just who is Julia Golding. This publisher's seri...

Street Child (1995) by Berlie Doherty

Dear Nobody (2015)

Something I've noticed lately about contemporary YA realistic fiction is that the British stuff tends to be a lot heavier and more depressing than the American stuff. There aren't the nice little hopeful happy bits, the ends don't get neatly tied. The teenage characters often have extremely unsup...

Dear Nobody (2015) by Berlie Doherty

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