While a typical mystery novel, the author is able to pull you into the story and the character's lives. The "bad guys" are identified early one so the mystery is more whether the police will solve the historical crimes before anything worse happens and whether one of the missing gang members will keep a low profile or be captured. The book is well written, making you want to read just a few more pages until you realize you have read several more chapters and the morning alarm is going to sound sooner than expected.The ending is typical of the genre, however the writer keeps the reader's interest up to the completion of the climax. Jeg synes det blev lidt for meget overgearet drama til sidst, hvilket er ærgerligt, når resten af historien ellers fungerer så fint.Derudover er det stadig et godt univers. Carl er stadig enormt usympatisk, men jeg begynder så småt at føle med ham, og præcis som Adler-Olsen utvivlsomt har planlagt det, så vil nysgerrigheden ingen ende tage, når det gælder Assads fortid.Jeg glæder mig, til fortsættelse følger!
The second installment in the Department Q series, another excellent choice for any mystery readers!
excellent but explicit ,, not for tender readers.The novel gives us the seamier side of Denmark.
a solid book. big fan of Scandinavian crime books.
My friend, Anna, recommended Jussi Adler Olsen.
Chilling & funny at the same time.