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Corona De Medianoche (2014)

Corona de medianoche (2014)

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4.51 of 5 Votes: 1
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6071131251 (ISBN13: 9786071131256)

About book Corona De Medianoche (2014)

I enjoyed reading it. I see a lot of similarities and maybe references to Maria Snyder's Study Series and James Clemens Banned and the Banished Series. It has good suspense, but it takes just a little too long for the heroine to figure things out. I realize that this dramatic irony is a necessary feature of novel writing, but I felt that some of it was drawn out a little too much. The naïveté and ignorance she sometimes had did not match her overall character. Like I said, though, I have very much enjoyed reading it. It's a good story to read, but nothing like the two series I mentioned above. (I'm also including the first book in this review) AH-MAZING. I literally had to put down the book and run around squealing at the "big-reveal" and trust me it was BIG. SO JUICY. I mean, it's true you could probably guess what the reveal is, but just the way it was portrayed killed me. IT WAS SO GOOD. This is better than the first book for sure, so much more action and stomach churning thrills. Also it was quite steamy *wink wink*. I enjoyed it thoroughly. You will too, trust me.

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Even better then the first!!!

Sarah J. Maas me encantas.

still ok xd

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