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Cinderelephant (2012)

Cinderelephant (2012)

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3.28 of 5 Votes: 2
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1848777825 (ISBN13: 9781848777828)
Templar Books

About book Cinderelephant (2012)

I have always been a fan of Cinderella, and Cinderelephant was a very cute change from the normal fairytale that we all have come to know. I liked how the author incorporated animals rather than humans to make it more different than the traditional tale. I would have liked it a little bit more if the Prince (also an elephant) had been a different animal to show a little bit more diversity in the story when he fell in love with Cinderelephant. It can also help give children who may have problems with their weight some confidence in finding friends. The retelling in this book was interesting. Instead of the dainty beautiful young girl you normally see in the story of Cinderella you have a huge elephant. She still is a kind loving girl but her problem is that she does not fit in like the rest of the people at the ball. The prince is actually an elephant too and worried about squashing the small animal ladies that came to the ball. When Cinderelephant came they were the perfect match. The shoe she left behind was giant and only fit her giant foot. This book can teach children that beauty comes in different shape and sizes.

Do You like book Cinderelephant (2012)?

This book combines two of my favorite things: elephants and Cinderella!

I like Dodd's books generally but this one was underwhelming.

it was okay....another modern-fractured-Cinderella tale.


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