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Emma Dodd

Emma Dodd
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Books: 3 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.46

Books by Emma Dodd


Miaow Said the Cow (2009)

When a cat can not sleep because the farm is to noisy the cat plays a trick on all the other farm animals. In the end the animals seek revenge on the cat. I really enjoyed reading the book. This would be a great book to read aloud because students would love all the different animal noises. The p...

Miaow Said the Cow (2009) by Emma Dodd

I Don't Want a Posh Dog (2009)

The little girl in this story is enumerating her criteria for the perfect dog. She definitely doesn't want a snooty, high-maintenance pup, just a "sweet, willy-nilly dog." The rhyming, rhythmic text makes this book fun to read aloud, and the rough, playful cartoon illustrations filled with color ...

I Don't Want a Posh Dog (2009) by Emma Dodd

Cinderelephant (2012)

I have always been a fan of Cinderella, and Cinderelephant was a very cute change from the normal fairytale that we all have come to know. I liked how the author incorporated animals rather than humans to make it more different than the traditional tale. I would have liked it a little bit more if...

Cinderelephant (2012) by Emma Dodd

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