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Chasing Jupiter (2012)

Chasing Jupiter (2012)

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4.19 of 5 Votes: 4
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031073293X (ISBN13: 9780310732938)

About book Chasing Jupiter (2012)

What an amazing book!!! The fact that two people (neither of which were the main character) had some mental illness' kinda put me off at first because they were kinda you know weird....but the story of Scarlett I loved! her struggle and then just realization of who she really needed..God. Plus the ending was really cute. But her life really wasn't a bed of roses i cried twice in the book...okay sobbed. but that ending...ahhhhhhhh Every once in a while, you are changed. Dramatic statement yes, but it's true. We all grow up, but Scarlett didn't. She was content with her crazy life going unnoticed and overlooked by everyone...especially by the really cute Frank (don't judge him by his name). Together he and she and her Spanish-loving brother would conquer the world--by ducking to the end of the summer.Selling peach pies just might be the way to success, but when life starts to crumble like a hard cookie, it seems they will never get their feet off the ground...or will they?This sweet story yanked at my heart and held my curiosity. For a young author, Rachel has summed up life perfectly in a fabulous novel about first love, family, and the craziness of life.

Do You like book Chasing Jupiter (2012)?

There's nothing actually wrong with this story... Christian Fiction is just not for me.

It was amazing, made me cry several times!

Christian Fiction

3.5 stars.


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